Night Cycles

poetry for a dark night of the soul

Read Night Cycles

Night Cycles is a lyrical collection of poems about life's deepest questions & brightest moments, all spun out under the wandering moon. Do you dare to step into the vulnerable black whose name is your own?

"awaken. revel in the heat of your own flames. feel the drum beat throbbing in your gut, the searing nearness of the sacred fires, the slap of your bared soles against earth as you dance in the ash and embers of your own waking. 

you were made for the light, for spirit and sinew, for the uncertain dark, for hands holding hands holding hands.

the song begins. you are not alone."

- from Night Cycles

Night Cycles is the story of spiritual loss and rebirth, drawn from author Elizabeth Wilder’s experience of that desert place Saint John of the Cross called “the dark night of the soul.”

Wilder beckons us along as she descends into the deep yet vividly beautiful realms of mystery and unknowing, shedding layers and stale beliefs before returning to the light with vital new life and knowledge.

In the tradition of the mystic poets, including Mark Nepo, Mary Oliver, and Rainer Maria Rilke, these textured poems from a fresh voice nourish the seeker within us all.

Available on Amazon in Kindle Unlimited and paperback, and by request from your local bookseller and library.

Reader Praise for Night Cycles:

“I absolutely devoured this book. Deep, beautiful, and soul-stirring.”

“A special kind of magic.”

"Night Cycles is a stunning collection of raw poetry centered on a theme of spiritual death and resurrection. The common threads of true womanhood, primal femininity and motherhood recur throughout the book as [Wilder] deftly connects cycles of seasons and the moon to life and purpose and rebirth."

"Hauntingly perfect."

"Raw, evocative, powerful, and (what I most appreciate in a poetry collection) intelligible rather than obscure – I thoroughly recommend this book of beautiful words."


“I thoroughly enjoyed this dark, meaningful, and thoughtful expression of art. I recommend that you take your time to really explore the depths of these words. You'll come up with something a little different each time.”